Scope and Sequence

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Energy

Energy Pathway

Level 1:

Outdoor Recreational Leadership Pathway

Level 1:

  • Exploration of Outdoor Recreation

Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Finance

Business Administration Pathway

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Engineering, Technology & Media Arts

Media Arts Cluster

Design & Multimedia

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Technical Theatre/Theatre Design & Technology

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Information Technology Cluster

Information Technology

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Engineering & Technology Cluster

Engineering & Technology

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Health Science

Health Sciences Pathway

Level 1:

Level 2:

  • Introduction to the Human Body for Middle School

Level 3: