Career Cluster: Health Science

Course Description: This course is designed to meet the terminal competency requirements of the Colorado State Board of Nursing by preparing students with knowledge and skills necessary to perform patient and/or resident care in the role of a nurse aide. Students learn effective communication and skills to interact competently with clients and the interdisciplinary team on a one-on-one basis; sensitivity to clients’ emotional, social, and mental health needs; the ability to recognize each individual’s capabilities in regards to ADLs, hygiene, grooming, nutrition, and elimination; knowledge and skills that support and promote each client’s rights as well as respect for the client as an individual; appropriate observational and documentation skills needed in the assessment of clients’ health, physical condition and well-being; the role of a nurse aide within the healthcare team; and skills required by the State Board of Nursing Chapter 11 Rules & Regulations for Approval of Nurse Aide Training Programs.

Certification: Colorado Certified Nurse Aide

Test Alignment: NNAAP Nurse Aide – Pearson Vue

Standards Alignment:

-NCHSE: National Health Science Standards

-HOSA: HOSA – Future Health Professionals

-CSS: Colorado State Standards

-PWR: Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

-DORA: Department of Regulatory Agencies – Colorado State Board of Nursing – Nurse Aide Programs

nursing student


Standard I - Students will establish effective communication and interact competently with clients and the interdisciplinary team on a one-on-one basis.
Source: Terminal Competency 1 SBON
ObjectivesEvidence OutcomesSkill Alignment and SBON Regulations
1- Communicates proper verbal and nonverbal skills effectively with all clients (cognitively impaired, comatose, ELL, hearing impaired, etc.), fellow students, staff, and faculty. Students can:
a- Model proper self-introduction as a healthcare worker.
b- Explain all procedures to the client.
c- Demonstrate professional manner.
d- Demonstrate effective communication with clients while meeting their needs.
e- Demonstrate effective communication with fellow students.
f- Demonstrate effective communication with staff.
g- Demonstrate effective communication with faculty.
h- Demonstrate effective communication with cognitively impaired clients.
2- Communicates appropriately, following the proper chain of command.Students can:
a- Recognize and follow the proper chain of command in clinical and classroom settings.
b- Demonstrate proper reporting of concerns and adverse events to clinical instructor and/or preceptor as appropriate.
3- Uses terminology appropriately to effectively communicate with the healthcare team and client. Students can:
a- Demonstrate appropriate use of medical terminology in oral communication.
b- Demonstrate accurate translation of medical words in layman’s terms when communicating with clients.
c- Demonstrate appropriate use of medical terminology in written documentation.
d- Identify commonly used medical abbreviations.
e- Recognize unapproved medical abbreviations.
Standard II - Students will demonstrate sensitivity to clients’ emotional, social, and mental health needs through skillful, directed interactions.
Source: Terminal Competency 2 SBON
ObjectivesEvidence OutcomesSkill Alignment and SBON Regulations
1- Supports client to make personal choices.Students can:
a- Model effective listening skills.
b- Advocate for client providing the behavior is consistent with the clients’ dignity.
3CCR 716-1 Chapter 11 DORA
Rules & Regulations for Approval of Nurse Aide Training Programs
Section 5.2-5.3
2- Promotes clients’ emotional, social, mental and physical independence.Students can:
a- Recognize mental capabilities of client and modify own behavior in response to client.
b- Recognize and respond appropriately to the developmental tasks and behavior of the individual client.
c- Identify client’s available resources (including family).
3- Discuss the importance of clients’ choice during care.Students can:
a- Identify and explain strategies to support client choices and self-care
b- Support appropriate and safe client choices.
4- Discuss principles to follow when caring for clients who are cognitively impaired.
Students can:
a- Identify general principles to follow in caring for cognitively impaired clients.
b- Define ways to modify care when caring for cognitively impaired clients.
c- Define the role of social services as they relate to cognitively impaired clients.
5- Modifies own behavior in response to client behavior.Students can:
a- Define and demonstrate methods for reducing the effects of cognitive impairments on client (e.g., validation therapy, redirection, de-escalation and other appropriate techniques).
b- Ensure adequate time for client to express self.
c- Identify client behaviors that pose a threat to self and others and respond and report appropriately.
d – Demonstrate sensitivity to client’s emotional, social, and mental health needs through skillful, directed interactions.
e- Define and demonstrate appropriate responses to behaviors of cognitively impaired client.
f – Define and demonstrate techniques for addressing the unique needs/behaviors of clients with dementia.
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Standard III - Students will promote and assist clients to attain and maintain independence, recognizing each individual’s capabilities in regards to ADLs, hygiene, grooming, nutrition, and elimination.
Source: Terminal Competency 3 SBON
ObjectivesEvidence OutcomesSkill Alignment and SBON Regulations
1- Differentiate activities of daily living (ADLs) according to clients’ developmental and physical needs.Students can:
a- Define ADLs.
b- Identify and assist with appropriate ADLs according to the clients’ developmental and physical needs.
c- Encourage and facilitate independence for clients’ in all ADLs.
d- Define and demonstrate proper use of assistive devices for transfer, ambulation, eating, and dressing.
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2- Discuss the importance of bathing, oral care, skin care, and personal grooming.Students can:
a- Explain the importance of cleanliness, good hygiene, and grooming
b- Describe the general rules related to bathing patients and the observations to make and report.
c- Identify the safety measures for clients taking tub baths or showers.
d- Describe the principles of skin care.
e- Identify the purposes of a back massage.
f- Explain the importance of oral hygiene and list the observations to report.
g- Explain the importance of hair care, shaving, nail and foot care and related safety measures when providing care.
3CCR 716-1 Chapter 11 DORA
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3- Understand the goals of following a diet that provides the body with a balanced amount of essential nutrients.Students can:
a- Identify how to safely serve residents meals using proper feeding techniques.
b- Identify the MyPlate guidelines and its importance in providing balanced nutrition
c- List examples of the different types of diets and state reasons why a resident might be placed on a specific diet or dietary restriction.
d- Outline the different types of textures residents require for their meals.
e- Identify reasons to thicken liquids, the types of thickening, and who prescribes this order.
f- Convert ounces to cc/mls.
g- Record food intake by percentage and fluid intake by milliliters (ml) and explain the importance.
3CCR 716-1 Chapter 11 DORA
Section 5.2-5.3
4- Understand processes and procedures related to human elimination.Students can:
a- Identify the basic process, structures, and functions of the urinary and digestive system.
b- Define terminology related to elimination.
c- Demonstrate proper technique for calculating/documenting intake and output, bowel and bladder training, and care of related urinary devices (e.g. catheters)
3CCR 716-1 Chapter 11 DORA
Section 5.2-5.3
5- Describe the diseases, disorders and treatments associated with elimination.Students can:
a- Identify and define diseases and disorders associated with the digestive system (bowel obstruction, colon cancer, diarrhea, fecal impaction, hemorrhoids, etc.).
b- Identify and define diseases and disorders associated with the urinary system (incontinence, kidney failure, kidney stone, urinary tract infection, etc.).
Standard IV - Students will exhibit knowledge and skills that support and promote each client’s rights as well as respect for the client as an individual.
Source: Terminal Competency 4 SBON
ObjectivesEvidence OutcomesSkill Alignment and SBON Regulations
1- Defend client privacy, confidentiality, and dignity.Students can:
a- Explain and apply Resident’s Rights (American Hospital Association) to patient care.
b- Explain and apply The Patient Care Partnership (American Hospital Association) to patient care.
c- Explain and apply the impact of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) on standards for CNA certification and patient care.
d- Summarize Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations in relation to patient confidentiality.
e- Demonstrate proper use of confidentiality in a classroom and clinical setting.
f- Support patient’s right to refuse care and report according to facility policy.
g- Support patient’s dignity by providing privacy when appropriate.
h- Provide care and security for clients’ personal items.
i- Identify ways to assist clients to resolve grievances and disputes.
j- Recognize client needs for assistance in getting to and participating in client and family groups and other activities.
k- Recognize available resources, including family for client support.
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Section 5.2-5.3
2- Respect clients’ culture, language, customs, beliefs, and personal life choices.Students can:
a- Demonstrate cultural competency.
b- Identify personal beliefs and the potential to impact their delivery of client care.
3- Promote client freedom from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect.Students can:
a- List common legal violations that are related to the provision of healthcare.
b- Define types of abuse and describe signs of abuse.
c- Discuss the healthcare workers’ obligations in reporting suspected abuse, mistreatment, and neglect promptly.
d- List appropriate interventions to minimize the need for physical/chemical restraints according to current professional standards.
e. Recognize that, as a Nurse Aide student and as a Nurse Aide, it is mandatory to report any incident of suspected abuse.
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Section 5.2-5.3

Senate Bill 13-111
Concerning Abuse of At-Risk Adults
4- Understand the impact a Nurse Aide has on providing a quality patient environment.Students can:
a- Explain how a Nurse Aide can make a client’s environment comfortable, safe, and clean.
b- Explain proper placement and answering of call lights.
c- Describe the general furniture/equipment in a client’s room and its proper use.
d- Describe the processes of admitting, discharging, and transferring a client.
e– Communicate how a Nurse Aide contributes to a team of healthcare professionals.
5- Describe the needs and care of a dying patient.Students can:
a- Identify common needs of the dying client.
b- List and define the five stages of Kubler-Ross’s grieving process.
c- Describe and define dying with dignity.
d- Identify the physical care needs of the dying client.
Standard V - Students will demonstrate appropriate observational and documentation skills needed in the assessment of clients’ health, physical condition and well-being.
Source: Terminal Competency 5 SBON
ObjectivesEvidence OutcomesSkill Alignment and SBON Regulations
1- Compare and contrast normal and abnormal client conditions.Students can:
a- List normal ranges for vital signs.
b- List factors which can affect vital signs.
c- Understand the Nurse Aide role in the use of oxygen.
d- Observe clients for abnormalities or status changes (mental and physical).
e- Report changes in client condition promptly to appropriate personnel.
f- Identify conditions that may impact vital signs.
3CCR 716-1 Chapter 11 DORA
Section 5.2-5.3
2- Documents information regarding client status accurately and appropriately. Students can:
a- Differentiate between subjective and objective information (vital signs, changes in conditions, complaints, requests, etc.) related to patient care and documents appropriately in a timely manner.
b- Demonstrate accuracy in patient documentation.
3CCR 716-1 Chapter 11 DORA
Section 5.2-5.3
3- Understand the principles related to client mobility.Students can:
a- Describe the principles of body mechanics and transferring.
b- Identify the principles of proper positioning.
c- Explain the importance of preventing the complications of immobility.
e- Describe how a Nurse Aide can recognize and report client complaints of pain.
f – Describe the principles of proper client transfer, positioning, and turning techniques.
3CCR 716-1 Chapter 11 DORA
Section 5.2-5.3
4- Identify diseases and disorders associated with client mobility.Students can:
a- Identify and define diseases and disorders associated with the cardiovascular system.
b- Identify and define diseases and disorders associated with the skin.
c- Identify and define diseases and disorders associated with the skeletal/muscular systems.
d – Demonstrate knowledge of basic restorative techniques including range of motion, care and use of prosthetic/orthotic/assistive devices, and promoting independent function.
e – Recognize importance of supporting client in self-care according to their ability.
3CCR 716-1 Chapter 11 DORA
Section 5.2-5.3
Standard VI - Students will function within the healthcare team in the nurse aide role.
Source: Terminal Competency 6 SBON
ObjectivesEvidence OutcomesSkill Alignment and SBON Regulations
1- Identify how to function within the scope of practice under the guidelines of the Colorado Nurse Aide Practice Act, both in the classroom and clinical settings.Students can:
a- Discuss the Act in relation to scope of practice.
b- Recognize that they cannot perform any services for which they have not been trained and found proficient by their instructor.
c- Recognize that they can only provide services to clients under the general supervision of a licensed professional nurse.
d – Recognize importance of reporting abnormal signs and symptoms to supervisor in a timely manner.
e – Demonstrate awareness of availability of reimbursement of education costs if employed by a Medicare/Medicaid reimb¬¬ursed facility.
f – Demonstrate awareness of need to set up a Healthcare Professions Profile online and maintain ongoing records related to certification.
2- Practice infection control measures.Students can:
a- Define the term infection.
b- Describe the chain of events required for infection to occur.
c- Explain standard (universal) precautions and transmission-based precautions.
d- Explain personal and environmental infection control measures including OSHA-related infection control.
e- Describe common communicable diseases encountered in healthcare.
3- Recognize and observe safety, emergency, and disaster measures.Students can:
a- Demonstrate safety and emergency procedures.
b- Identify safety measures that should be used for patient/client care.
c- List rules and steps to follow for fire, disaster, and other emergencies.
d- Identify potential hazards that may occur in any setting and the role of the nurse aide in correcting the potential hazards.
e- Differentiate between life threatening and non-life threatening emergencies.
f- Describe the importance of proper body mechanics related to preventing injury.
g- Recognize actions that can be taken to prevent client injuries and accidents.
h – Identify federal laws and related requirements regarding staff and patient safety. (e.g. Occupational Health & Safety Act, Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, etc.)
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Section 5.2-5.3
Standard VII - Students will show proficiency in skills required by the State Board of Nursing Chapter 11 Rules & Regulations for Approval of Nurse Aide Training Programs.
ObjectivesEvidence OutcomesSkill Alignment and SBON Regulations
1 – Demonstrates competency in all of the basic nursing skills listed in the current Colorado Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook (National Nurse Aide Assessment Program) and the additional skills listed in Chapter 11 Rules and the Sample Terminal Competency Skills Checklist requirements.Students can:
a – Demonstrate basic competency in performance of all basic nursing skills before participating in clinical experience.
b - Identify when skills need to be adapted to clients with special needs.
c – Recognize importance of using proper safety and infection control procedure when performing the skills and duties within their scope of practice.
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Section 5.2-5.3