FACS Vision and Mission

real skillsFamily and Consumer Science programs stimulate students to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global society. Our unique focus is on families, work and their interrelationships. The mission of Family and Consumer Science education is to prepare students for family life, work life and careers in Family and Consumer Science by providing opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed for:

  • Strengthening the well-being of individuals and families across the lifespan.
  • Becoming responsible citizens and leaders in family, community and work settings.
  • Promoting optimal nutrition and wellness across the lifespan.
  • Managing resources to meet the material needs of individuals and families.
  • Balancing personal, home, family and work lives.
  • Using critical and creative thinking skills to address problems in diverse family, community and work environments.
  • Successful life management, employment and career development.
  • Functioning effectively as providers and consumers of goods and services.
  • Appreciating human worth and accepting responsibility for one’s actions and success in family and work life.

Colorado FACS

Our students today are the future leaders and members of tomorrow’s families, workplaces, and communities. Essential preparation for success includes acquisition of leadership, problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, and communication. The Colorado Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) Core courses focus on providing students foundational knowledge needed to be a productive member of society, along with allowing for career awareness opportunities. The FACS Occupational programs focus on career awareness, occupations available in the job market, and preparation for specific occupational pathways.

Secondary Programs, pdf

Secondary Programs, MS Word

Student Organizations

Professional Organizations

  • CATFACS.org, Colorado Association Teacher of Family and Consumer Sciences
  • CACTE.org, Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education
  • CAFCS.org, Colorado Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
  • ACTEonline.org, Association for Career and Technical Education
  • AAFCS.org, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences