My Advisory Committee is up and running, how do I keep it effective?

Establishing an advisory committee is only the first step. To be effective, the committee must become and remain active. Setting and reaching goals and objectives enhance the effectiveness of an advisory committee.


The biggest sustainability factor for any committee is empowerment. You empower your committee by carrying out the following tasks:

  • Selecting well-informed, highly motivated members
  • Choosing effective governance structure and personnel
  • Delegation of responsibilities as appropriate

What do you suggest for committee recommendations and feedback?

The end product of all advisory committee activities is a set of recommendations for continuous improvement of the program. Many advisory committees write a formal recommendation letter to the institution’s administration that is signed by the committee chair on behalf of the entire committee. Feedback on the recommendations can be an important motivational tool for advisory committees. Members want to do the “right thing” and are encouraged when they see tangible results from their recommendations.

continuous improvement

Help! No one comes to meetings! What do I do?

Member Appreciation

Rewards and recognition are especially important to advisory committees because members are not paid for their efforts. One of the best rewards is to ask for advice and respond to it. Recognizing significant individual contributions is also important, especially when the individual expends resources in service to a program.

Simple ways to recognize members:

  • Certificates of Appreciation
  • Display names on bulletin board or plaque
  • Letter of Appreciation to their employer
  • Invitations to events
  • Memberships in campus fitness centers
  • Library access
  • Highlight accomplishments in press releases or newsletters
  • Invite members to visit programs to see implementation
  • Include names in program literature
  • Include business member links on program website / communication tools