Formalizing Structure
What are Bylaws and why do I need them?
Bylaws are the general rules and operating procedures for your committee. Bylaws are important to establish because they will help guide your committee when operational questions arise. At minimum, topics such as the general purpose/functions of the advisory committee, committee member requirements, how meetings are conducted, voting procedures, election of officers, and what officers the committee will have and their duties should be included.
How do I set up Terms of Office
Each advisory committee should establish its own criteria and guidelines for member recruitment, selection, appointment and replacement. Committee membership should be reviewed and updated yearly to ensure broad-based representation of the industry and to ensure that the work of the committee continues.
Why should I have Officers?
Officers, working closely with the educational department chair, can save time for teachers/administrators, and it is strongly recommended that officers take active roles early in the formation of the committee. Office selection can be done at the first meeting of the year and should take place with full participation of all current committee members.
How do I select the Chairperson?
The chairperson should be from business/industry and is generally selected and voted in to office by the committee. Chairpersons usually serve two year terms. The two main roles of the chair are to set meeting agendas and conduct meetings.
The Four Main Elements of a Successful Chair
Snapshot from the Field

James A. Brunelli, Automotive Technology, Trinidad State Junior College