CTSO Sponsorship Opportunities:
DECA: DECA is a national organization for secondary students enrolled in Marketing Education. DECA is an inner-curricular student-centered organization designed as an integral part of the classroom instructional program of marketing education that motivates students to learn marketing competencies preparing students to be skilled, employable workers in the field of marketing. All chapters and the national organization are guided in their plans and activities by advisory committees of marketing education instructors, alumni members, school administrators, and business professionals.
DECA website: https://www.coloradodeca.org/
Business & Marketing website: https://sites.google.com/view/coloradobmef
CCCS Contact: Brad Peer, phone 720-858-2748
FBLA: Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a national career and technical education student organization for secondary students preparing for careers in business or careers in business education. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is the largest career student business organization in the world. Each year, FBLA helps over 230,000 members prepare for careers in business.
FBLA website: www.coloradofbla.org
Business & Marketing website: https://sites.google.com/view/coloradobmef/home
CCCS Contact: Molly Davis, phone 303-595-1583
FCCLA: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is the only national career and technical student organization with the family as its central focus. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers and communities by addressing important personal, work and societal issues through family and consumer sciences education. Today over 2400members in 140 chapters are active in Colorado through the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life.
website: coloradofccla.org
CCCS Contact: Jordan Sveen, phone 720-858-2330
FFA: Colorado Future Farmers of America (FFA) is for youth from 14 to 22 years of age enrolled in agriculture education. The largest student youth organization in America, the FFA is both an intracurricular and integral part of the complete CTE agriculture education program. The Colorado Young Farmer Education Association is a statewide organization of people enrolled in the Young Farmer Program. The Young Farmer Program is usually conducted by local CTE agriculture instructors in addition to their regular high school or college agriculture classes.
website: www.coloradoffa.org
CCCS Contact: Shannon Baylie, phone 720-858-2186
HOSA: HOSA- Future Health Professionals is an organization for students enrolled in health occupations education programs. Through HOSA, students develop leadership and technical skills through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition.
website: www.coloradohosa.org
CCCS Contact: Lee LeSueur, phone 720-858-2376
SkillsUSA: SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry. Working together to ensure America has a skilled work force and helps every student excel. SkillsUSA serves high school and college students who are enrolled in programs preparing them for technical, skilled and service careers. SkillsUSA adds to students’ technical training by teaching leadership skills, teamwork, citizenship and character development-all things that go into shaping responsible, reliable employees who will one day become leaders in our workplaces.
website: skillsusaco.org
CCCS Contact: Monica Buckley, phone 720-858-2740
TSA: The Colorado Technology Student Association (COTSA) is a national non-profit organization devoted exclusively to the needs of elementary, middle and high school students with a dedicated interest in technology. Involvement in TSA benefits teachers as well as students. Relating class activities to local, regional, state and national technology oriented competitive events can be highly motivational for students. The natural interaction between teachers and students provides an excellent learning environment, while working toward common goals.
website: www.coloradotsa.org
CCCS Contact: Carri Senter, phone 720-858-2794
(SC)2 : Successful Career Students of Colorado is the Colorado based organization for students in ACE programs. CTE students in ACE programming experience the ultimate goals of developing skills in the areas of self-knowledge, human relations, employability, career awareness, independent living, transition planning, leadership, community service and 21st century skills.
website: ACE-(SC)2
CCCS Contact: Lauren Jones, phone 720-858-2825
Colorado CTE Events
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Full calendar. All the upcoming trainings, meetings, and CTSO events and conferences.