What is a CTE Specialist Credential/Endorsement in Colorado:
- Intended to support Master’s degree holding School Counselors dive deeper into understanding and advocating for CTE for every student, family and amongst peers
- Builds rapport and ally-ship between School Counselors and CTE teachers
- Depending on local decision/policy, permits School Counselors to claim reimbursements for time spent with CTE enrolled students (requires calendaring)
- Depending on local decision/policy, permits School Counselors to claim reimbursements for Career Development and Advisement activities (and related items)
- Professionally, a CTE Specialist Endorsed School Counselor is a transferable and welcomed background in and out of state and around the nation
- Despite only being able to claim 1 CTE Specialist per building (per CTA reporting), this endorsement is still a benefit for creating CTE Champions within the School Counseling community
- The required coursework necessary (in addition to what is seen on the CDE Worksheet) known as CTE in Colorado can be taught virtually within a 4 hour time block by Lauren Jones – contact if your district or BOCES region has over 10 individuals interested in obtaining the coursework. The course is NO COST. Once course (and homework therein) is completed, the state CTE office will send Certificates of Completion to each attendee and this certificate will be accepted by CDE licensing office.
- The other two required courses on the CDE Worksheet are reflected on a Masters’ Degree holding School Counselors’ Transcript
What does a CTE Specialist Credentialed/Endorsed School Counselor do:
- Is an a constant advocate for CTE programming via informed advisement, intentional registration processes and thoughtful course planning
- Is a School Counselor who may have all CTE students in their caseload
- Is a School Counselor who has some CTE student in their caseload in addition to those not enrolled in CTE
- Is a CTE Champion via their messaging, marketing and collaboration with CTE teachers and CTE Advisory Committees and CTE Student Leadership Organizations
- Is a School Counselor who loves CTE
Explore CDE Worksheet for CTE Specialist: https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/cteworksheets/specialist
Begin adding endorsement to License here (once course is completed): https://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/checklist-initialcte
Contact Lauren.Jones@cccs.edu to schedule a virtual CTE in Colorado course and/or seek clarity and answers to questions.