Opportunity Gap Analysis (OGA)

Opportunity Gap Analysis Workbook

Opportunity Gap Analysis Webinar Slides

Perkins Performance by District/College for 20-21

Perkins Performance Metrics by District and College for Academic Year 20-21

What is Student and Active Teacher data?

The CTE database contains demographic and programmatic information for middle, secondary and postsecondary level students. Through the CTE data collection section of the Colorado CTE Gateway, schools and districts report enrollment and follow-up (placement) information for CTE students. Information for postsecondary students having academic and undeclared majors who have completed CTE courses is also collected.

The Active Teacher data is used by schools to record which CTE programs their credentialed instructors are teaching in during the current school year.

Who must report CTE student and teacher data?

Any school with active or contracted CTE programs. Even if you do not report FTE for CTA reimbursement to CCCS or participate in Perkins funding, you must still report your CTE student and teacher data every year. A 5-year trend analysis of enrollment and placement data is required for program renewals.

Why does CTE student data have to be reported?

To comply with state CTA and federal Perkins regulations for CTE funding, CCCS is required by law to collect Colorado CTE enrollment and follow-up student data each year.

The data is used in five main areas –

  • To calculate federal Perkins funding allocations,
  • To generate the annual statewide and institution level Perkins performance metrics,
  • To generate the 5-year trend reports used in the program approval process,
  • To generate the legislative Career and Technical Act Annual Report,
  • To determine Civil Rights monitoring visits.

How do I report CTE student and teacher data?

All CTE enrollment and placement (follow-up) reporting may be done within the data collection section of the Colorado CTE Gateway website. CCCS System college enrollment data is imported by CCCS separately, though System colleges must report placement data through the Gateway during that collection.

You have the option of submitting the CTE enrollment and follow-up (placement) in a data file upload or by single record entry. Instructions on how to do this can be found within the data collection section of the website. Access to this part of the Colorado CTE Gateway is determined by the college or school district’s primary contact.

What are the file formats for enrollment, follow-up and active teacher submissions?

Enrollment Guidance

Opens May 15, 2024 in Colorado CTE Gateway. Closes July 31, 2024. View Webinar – Click Here! from May 2024 and the Webinar Slidedeck – Click Here! . Only have five minutes? Check out this brief recording to get you oriented to the enrollment section of the site.

2023-24 Data Webinar, click here!

Active Teacher Guidance

Follow Up Guidance

When should the data be reported?

Due dateDescription
July 31Secondary CTE student enrollment data must be submitted to CCCS
August 31Active teacher updates and additions
August 31Postsecondary CTE enrollment data submitted by this date for Aims, CMC, TCR, Department of Corrections, Division of Youth Corrections, PTC, and EGTC.
March 31Follow-up data must be submitted to CCCS from all institutions.

Additional Resources:

Tutorial on how to add Data Collection permissions and report Active Teachers

Tutorial on how to add Data Collection permissions and report Follow-up

 12/2/2020 Follow-up training webinar recording pw: 5cBFdyKM

11/19/2020 – Webinar recording of SIS conversation with districts and PowerSchool pw: YayCTE1!

11/30/2020 – Webinar recording of SIS conversation with districts and Infinite Campus pw: tU2C356D

My 19/20 middle or secondary students are not all linked to their new program ID, what do I do?

We migrated enrollment data from the legacy database, so there will be some middle and secondary students who were not linked to their new program ID. Email us the old program ID(s) and the new program ID(s) and we’ll assign the students. If you’re having issues with this, let us know and we will help!